Mon-Thurs: 8AM-5PM; Friday by appointment only 6633 E Hwy 290, Suite 206, Austin, TX 78723 | (512) 451-1182
Comprehensive Family Dentistry
Orthodontics & Implants
Healing Tooth
The smile is understood by all cultures; a universal language. Healing Tooth is a Family & Veteran owned-and-operated dental center for your comprehensive oral needs. From our family to yours, we provide the highest standard of dental care.
Like any good story, the history of Healing Tooth begins with the descendants of a warrior and a musician. Precision and grace met to form Healing Tooth's gentle yet attention-to-detail approach to dentistry. Respect is embedded in our care as we continue the journey in servicing our community.
Our mission, and promise to you, is to provide ethical dental care of the highest standard through a people-oriented, mission-driven, team-based approach. Healing Tooth will be a leading force in dentistry reasoning simultaneously with mind and heart. All uncompromised and embodied in integrity, care, and respect.
Thank you for choosing Healing Tooth as your dental home.

Our Services
Examinations, routine & deep cleanings, cavity restorations, crowns, bridges, and more.
oral surgery
& Implants
Minimally invasive extractions, guided bone & tissue regeneration, and implants.
COSmetic dentistry
Let us create your perfect smile with minimally invasive veneers and gum surgery.